We devlelop and deliver solutions based on ComparaSense™ - our Statistical Content Analysis software. ComparaSense reads libraries of documents and internet resources and automatically categorises them based on the statistical fingerprint of their textual content. ComparaSense provides users with a variety visual perspectives of static and evolving electronic content, and supports content and knowledge "mining". We can build solutions intgrated with popular document management platforms such as Microsoft SharePoint, Lotus Domino and others.

Track+Trace Customer Feedback and Analytics
Our mobile and web-based solution enables businesses to capture finely-grained customer comments and to relate each comment to a specific customer interaction.

We provide the means to capture this unique information via your coustomer's smartphone or PC, or from written response cards using QR codes, product barcodes, and automatic form-reading software to capture information using scalable cloud hosted services.

Track+Trace Analytics delivers meaningful reports to you on demand. We offer you a low-cost, 24/7 route to engage and nurture your customer base - whatever business sector you are in, and it is especially valuable for retail, hospitality and entertainment businesses.

Whether you need to connect with your public on a once-off or continuing basis, Docland Software can help you to co-opt your customers as valuable partners for delivering improved services and identifying opportunities.

We take great care to gather and analyse your business requirements, then we design and develop software using appropriate methdologies to minimise costs, lead-time and risks. We specialise in Java, J2EE, AppEngine (Google Cloud), .NET, SharePoint and Lotus Domino applications, but to deliver the best and most cost effective solutions we will also employ the most appropriate tools and platforms.